
Frequently Asked Questions


How are the snippets sorted or ranked?

The snippets are sorted by relevance with respect to the features currently in the path.

How can I show only the most recent snippets?

Select the appropriate Period (e.g. Past week) from the toolbar.

Why do some of the snippets not contain all the features shown in the path?

The features in blue (near the end of the path) are mandatory, and those in light blue (near the start of the path) are optional.

How do I ensure that a particular feature in the path is present in all the snippets?

Select that feature again - either by clicking it in the feature map, or by adding it. This will move the feature to the end of the path, and ensure it is present in all the snippets.

I have selected a country from the toolbar, but some of the snippets don't contain the country name. Why?

A snippet may be included if the name of the country appears elsewhere in the same story. To only show snippets which actually contain the country name, click the country name in the feature map.


How are the features in the map selected?

The features are selected based on how often they appear in the source material, as well as other factors such as the feature type (entity, word, phrase, etc.)


Do any of the sources require a subscription?

No, only freely available content is included.

How often is the content updated?

The content is updated every hour, on an ongoing basis.

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